If you had told me years ago that i would be writing poetry in my freetime, i would of laughed at you and thought you were joking.
As a kid, i never really understood poetry, I just thought it was corny writing from ye olden times.
At the time, like most people, i didnt understand the real purpose of poetry.
what is poetry? well, i think poetry means alot of different things to alot of people.Although you could always start with the standard definition of "poetry":
"literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature" (dictionary definition provided by Oxford Lanuages)
I think most of us are used to having our first exposure to poetry in a school setting. The intention of poetry is to be used as a way to express emotion and feelings, but thats usually overlooked by usual school systems.
In schools, theirs instead a tendency to analyze the text for its contents in other ways rather than using poetry as a broad experience or simulation in emotion, as its intended to be enjoyed.
Poetry is very special, to me its more special than any other form of writing, because it exists and is created solely to express emotions; and is therefore a glimpse into the heart and soul of the author, while also encouraging self reflection by reader.
Also, you could ask several people to read the same poem, and their interpretations and feelings of that poem are all going to be unique.
alot of people talk about bad poetry, and i wanted to sit down and write my thoughts on that.
What is bad poetry? what makes a poem bad?
I think in analyzing that, we have to go back to what a poem is, an expression of emotions and feelings.
If the goal of poetry is to express an emotion, is there really such a thing as bad poetry?
In my opinion, for the most part i really do think their isnt such a thing as bad poetry.
I think the fear of writing "bad poetry" keeps most people away from trying to write poetry at all. Which is understandable, because none likes feeling like they failed at something.
I think explaining and presenting poetry as a way to express ones own heart to another person, free from critique (unless asked for) and presented wholeheartedyly, is the only way to really preserve and maintain the art of poetry and to encourage newer poets to start writing their own.